Sharing our knowledge about the human side of innovation

Death to self-assessment tests

Death to self-assessment tests

Most people think they can make a good judgment about themselves. But research shows us it is very hard to judge your own skills, personality or performance. So why would we judge people based on self-assessment scores?


Why innovation teams need both specialists and generalists

Why innovation teams need both specialists and generalists

Who is most valuable to your organization? Generalists with multiple skills and broad knowledge or specialists, who invest all of their time and effort in becoming the go-to expert in a particular niche?


The three innovative skill sets

The three innovative skill sets

By examining research, we’ve defined three innovation profiles: ideators, champions and implementers. Assessing real innovation problems that have been faced by experienced innovation experts, we highlight your skills.


How innovation skills can be measured with simulation tests

How innovation skills can be measured with simulation tests

Simulation tests have proven their worth as reliable and valid tools to measure innovation skills of employees or the company as a whole. Find out why in this blog post.


Creativity is not enough: how to turn ideas into revenue

Creativity is not enough: how to turn ideas into revenue

“Eureka!’, Archimedes famously howled, while running butt naked through the streets of Syracuse. This well-known story captures two myths about innovation. One: it’s the work of a sole inventor. Two: chance plays a big part.


Why innovation fails (and how to succeed)

Why innovation fails (and how to succeed)

The majority of large enterprises claim they know exactly what innovation is all about. Yet, in spite of impressive resources, big companies are responsible for only a small fraction of disruptive innovations. Why is this?


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