EIRMA Webinar
The Human Side of Innovation: From individual ability to collective success! Is your organization also struggling to find a good balance between top-down & bottom-up innovation? Join us at the EIRMA Webinar on March 23.

Meet us at HRTech.be
INNDUCE.me will be present at HRTech.be in Antwerp (5 & 6 October). Looking forward to inspiring you there how to unleash the innovation potential of your People. Because People innovate, not companies!

INNDUCE.me at The Flanders Informal Summit 2021
Peter Daels of INNDUCE.me was at The Flanders Informal Summit in Ghent on 16 November, where he felt inspired by the keynote speech of EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans.

SAVE THE DATE: INNDUCE.me at NetwerKerst
Peter Daels of INNDUCE.me will be present at VDAB's 'NetwerKerst' of Coffee with the Future on 16 December, where you can meet the speakers of Coffee with the Future from the past year.

INNDUCE.me at Coffee with the Future ‘HR Test’!
Peter Daels of INNDUCE.me was at Coffee with the Future to share his insights with everyone. Discover how you can identify talents within your organization, in order to bring innovative projects to a successful end.

Inspiration session: build teams that accelerate your innovation
Standing still is going backwards. Companies need innovation to maintain and strengthen their competitive position. It is a necessary condition for long-term success. Learn to accelerate innovation in this free Voka workshop.